San San / Koh Koh燦々
マンゴー、アップル、アプリコット、パイナップル、レモン、オレンジ、クランベリーの7 種類のドライフルーツをモヒートリキュールでさっぱり仕上げた夏の羊羹。口の中いっぱいに弾ける果実感をご賞味ください。冷やすとより一層美味しくお召し上がりいただけます。
This Summer Yokan (sweet bean jelly) contains seven dried fruits including mango, apple, apricot, pineapple, lemon, orange, and cranberry finished with a mojito liquor. Please enjoy the rich fruity flavor. It tastes better cold so we recommend you to put it in a fridge before you eat.
Orange, apple, mango, yuzu, and cranberry are mixed into yokan made with aromatic Vietnamese chocolate to represent the moon shining brightly in the winter night sky. Enjoy this seasonal dessert with hot coffee or whiskey.